Monday, September 25

The Purpose of Yom Kippur

 The purpose of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is to cleanse oneself from one's sins and ask for forgiveness from one's fellow human beings for wrongs committed against them, whether intentional or unintentional. This of course includes slander ("lashon ra" in Hebrew). Before entering the synagogue on the eve of Yom Kippur the Kol Nidrei (All Vows) chant is recited or sung by the officiating cantor (chazzan). Forgiveness must be requested from one's neighbours before entering the synagogue and requesting from The Almighty. The fast begins before entering the synagogue for the Kol Nidrei service.

Israel's Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox political religious leaders in the Knesset, who fast on Yom Kippur should be asking for forgiveness before embarking on their fast for their slander against Arabs, non-Jews, refugees, left-wingers and fellow Jews who happen to be Reform or Conservative believers of Judaism. According to Halacha, these pseudo-religious hateful slanderers holding ministerial posts in the Knesset have broken the precepts of the Yom Kippur fast before it has even started.

The meaning of the fast for many traditionally observant Jews is to identify with the Am Ehad (One People). There is no such thing! Thanks to the present satanic, evil government of Judaic mutants that are leading the country with a xenophobic, racist "Jewish" supremacist outlook that is encouraged by their right-wing, rabbis give one the feeling that they hold the monopoly on Judaism in Israel.

I cannot identify with this kind of Judaism that rules Israel and is led by rabbinical bigots, who slander those who don't hold their despicable worldviews. Fasting in Israel is an exercise in futility and is meaningless when one has no purpose in identifying with such awful Jewish mutants led by satanic rabbis with enormous power in the Knesset. Some of them and religious cabinet ministers are a disgrace to Israel and the Jewish People. A right-wing extremist Jewish terrorist, who is found guilty of murdering the Dawabshe family in Duma by burning down their home, is considered a "tzaddik"(Saint) by a large amount of religious right-wing Zealots, who have raised over a million shekels to have him freed from prison. This is not a fringe group of thugs; they have fascist representation in the Knesset that supports them.