Sunday, January 15

The lack of a Constitution in Israel makes the Law Courts vulnerable

Israel has no written Constitution protecting citizens from human rights abuses. The reason is that if a citizen feels that he /she has been mistreated by the authorities, he/she has recourse to the Law Courts. According to the “reforms” by the Minister of Justice (perhaps the word Injustice” is more accurate), the selection of judges will be political and will judge within the framework of laws passed by the political parties in power. This means that the Law Courts, including the Supreme Court, will be subservient to the Netanyahu Coalition. The result for the complainant will be futile if political decisions govern the ruling of the judge.

This is how the justice system works in totalitarian communist and fascist countries. Britain has no constitution either, but they have committees and long traditions of justice ensuring that laws passed are acceptable and fair. Britain's unwritten constitution | The British Library that Israel does not have. Political judge appointments are the destruction of Israel’s system of justice. The Courts will protect the Knesset’s power and not represent justice for the citizens of Israel. The President of Israel has the last word in his signature to the poisoning of Israel’s justice system. He should refuse to sign the destruction of justice.


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