There are certain facts on the ground, despite Israel's attitude to cover up certain brutalities to the Palestinians that should be borne in the mind of the reader in order to gain further insight into this conflict. This includes possible reasons for animosity towards Israel by the Palestinians. At the same time, one cannot view the occupation as the only reason. There is no refuting the fact that Israel's problem with her neighbors is existential, but the settlers in the occupied areas aggravate the situation even further.
Since the intifada of 2000 which, to all intents and purposes, has reached a certain uneasy halt with apparent cessation of terror. Is this the lull before the storm? Only time will tell.
Most of the settlers living in the occupied areas after the Six Day War are legal from the Israeli point of view, as the previous governments had legalized their settling in these areas. The term "illegal settlers" is a misnomer in this context. This does not apply to those who have unilaterally occupied various areas within the occupied areas without permits.
However, having said that, the question remains as to whether these settlers have a moral right to establish settlements in the occupied areas in the past and expanding them in the present and future.
The reason for all Israel's wars is well documented. Israel just cannot afford to lose even one war. This would mean her total destruction. However, having occupied these territories because of the Six Day War of June 1967 has compounded a problem, which could have been avoided.
Had Israel not encouraged Jewish settlement in the occupied areas and declared these settlements illegal, Israel's case against her Arab neighbors would have been stronger.
It is very difficult for Israel to maintain that she does not seek to occupy another people when the facts on the ground prove the opposite. Settlers have occupied Palestinian lands. They justify their occupation because of their strong attachment to their faith, land and use biblical quotations at every opportunity. They see themselves as carrying on the wishes of their biblical ancestors. In their eyes, their attachment to the concept of the land of Israel (including the occupied areas) is an integral part of Jewish destiny in this part of the world.
The results have not worked in Israel's favor at all. The settlers have destroyed much of the Palestinian olive trees not to mention destruction of agricultural lands. They exploited them for cheap labor. They encroached on their lands with the religious zeal that only they are capable. Israel had done nothing to curtail settlement activity in the occupied areas. In fact, the government had been encouraging these settlements and offering benefits to those who wish to settle in the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and even East Jerusalem.
Israel is a strong country militarily. The Palestinians are no match for them. A strong country like Israel, with its settlers in the occupied territories, cannot prove to the world that it is a victim despite the terrible suicide attacks against innocent Israelis during the last few years.
The record of accomplishment of the settlers in the occupied territories in their treatment of the Palestinian population is poor. The blame for the hatred of Israel can be laid at the settler's door. The Palestinians view them as heartless occupiers who usurped their lands. This being the case, in retrospect, and the catastrophic economic situation of the Palestinians has created conditions of hate for Israelis, which had tragic results for both sides. The Islamist terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad took advantage of the situation in order to release a cruel form of terror against Israel in the form of suicide bombings.
Prior to the intifada, Palestinians workers would stand in very long queues to get into Israel to seek work. Their day usually started at 3.00 a.m. The humiliation and the checks, which had caused incredible delays, had played its part in fomenting hate. Many Israeli building contractors also exploited these workers. Their wages were pitiful.
What about those many sick Palestinians who were in urgent need of medical attention? The delays to get to a doctor were unbelievable and caused much suffering. Pregnant women had difficulties in reaching hospitals to give birth. There were cases of women giving birth at check posts under humiliating circumstances. The treatment meted out to Palestinians, most not connected with terror, was disgusting and cruel. However, there is a faint sign of some hope. The Physicians for Human Rights Organization has tried to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian sick although their fight is miniscule. Israel, as an occupying power, should shoulder the responsibility for health service to the Palestinians.
When the soldiers at checkpoints were asked why he does not use his discretion, the answer was "The Palestinians are to blame for the situation because of the terror. If they stop the terror, their treatment would improve. Apart from that we are carrying out orders".
The biggest obstacle to peace and the establishment of a Palestinian state today is the settlers in the occupied territories. It is obvious that settlers have to return to Israel within the green line. The idea of creating settler blocs in the Palestinian areas will create a logistic problem that will be very difficult to solve if not impossible. The Palestinian state will be in the West Bank and Gaza.
The occupation has to end. It is eroding Israeli society and creating a situation whereby Israel rules the Palestinians. This is morally indefensible. Now with the calm existing it is important that Israel and the Palestinian leadership negotiate a just and lasting peace with security to both sides. Both peoples deserve a future of hope and promise of prosperity. Both nations have their destinies intertwined.